Bohdan Wasiutyński 1882-1940

Born on 25 December 1882, Wasiutyński was associated with the national democratic camp throughout his adult life, and was friends with Roman Dmowski. Member of the National League, in 1908-1915 he was the editor of Przegląd Narodowy, which was issued by the National Democrats, and co-founded the “Sprawa Polska” weekly. He presented his vision of a reborn Poland in the brochure entitled Jak to będzie w wolnej Polsce (The Way Things Will Be Like in a Free Poland) (1918). He diagnosed the Bolshevik threat in his writings entitled O socjalistach i ich odmianie bolszewickiej (About Socialists and their Bolshevik Variety) (1918) and Bolszewizm a sprawa rolna (Bolshevism and Farmers’ Cause) (1920). At the time of the Second Polish Republic, he lectured law at universities in Poznań and Warsaw. He wrote the highly popular, re-issued work entitled Ustrój władz administracyjnych, państwowych i samorządowych (The System of Administrative, State and Self-Government Authorities). He sat in the Senate as a representative of the National Party. In 1927, he co-created the programme of the Great Poland Camp, editing the Praworządność (Law and Order) brochure in the Camp’s bulletin. He published his most important ideological and political texts, including: Centralizm a samorząd (Centralism and Self-Government), Kryzys demokratyzmu (Crisis of Democratism), O myśl państwową (Towards State-Centered Thinking), Reakcja i autorytety (Reaction and Authority) in the “Przegląd Narodowy monthly. He was also the editor of Przegląd Wszechpolski (1922-1926), which was coming out in Poznań. His son, Wojciech Wasiutyński, was one of the leading journalists of the post-war Polish émigré community.


This website is a part of the project entitled ‘Polish Political Thought and Independence: A Program for the Promotion of Polish Intellectual Heritage Abroad’, generously funded
by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland as A part of ‘Public Diplomacy 2017’ programme, component ‘Collaboration in the field of Public Diplomacy 2017’.
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